Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Big Race

This was one of the funnest Mutual Activities we have ever had! All the kids loved it and so did the leaders. Kade's car actually did really well. This is the reason why: Mark and I love having teenagers and get a big kick out of them. Kade especially. Wednesday morning he said the family prayer, at the end of his prayer, very sincerely he asked Heavenly Father to be with our cars at the Derby that they would go really fast and have a good chance at winning. He then added, "especially mine." The minute he said amen we all busted out laughing. (Our theory is Heavenly Father created teenagers and we are sure he gets as much entertainment out of them as we do.) My comment to him was I am sure Heavenly Father's reply was "Have you seen your car?" So one of the first races was my pig against Kade's car. He smoked my pig!! He then informed me it was an answer to his prayer. Maybe, but my pig sure did look cute losing. Kade's Car finished in 6th place. Not bad for a block of wood on wheels.

Kace's Hershey Bar was awesome. He took 3rd place. He had to rerace the champion car because the first time resulted in a tie. My mom always told me "Chocolate is good for everything." Even Pine Wood Derby's. Thanks Mom!

This was the Champion!! Her name is Kanani and she won with "Da Skool Bus". (Can you tell she is a Beehive) Everyone was cheering for Da Bus. Even the boys wanted it to win. I just have to brag alittle bit. This is the 2nd annual event and the young women have been the Champs both time!!

This was my favorite racer. This is Jackson and he is so dang cute. His mom, Shanna is my second counselor and his dad is the young men's president so he got to hang out with us at the race. He had so much fun winning, losing, watching, getting his picture taken, looking at the pictures, it didn't matter what he was doing he was just having a blast!!!

Best of Show!!! Kensie didn't race the Bathtub. You might have noticed we didn't have an actual Pine Wood Derby track ours seems to be lost, so we improvised. However, once the cars went off this track onto the floor they tended to flip over. Kensie decided she didn't want to be chasing marbles all over the Cultural Hall floor. Good Choice. The Bathtub did take home "Best of Show"
Way to go Kensie. It is still my favorite. My other favorite car was Tiana's it is a Twinkie!!

This is me with just a few of my Laurels. (You can tell they are Laurels because they are not covering their faces at all) I think every Pine Wood Derby should be just like this one. No rules, whatever you can find for a track, and a lot of laughing!!!!


  1. What a fun activity. I loved the pictures. Kade's prayer made me laugh out loud. Teenagers are great. I cannot believe how much Kensie looks like you. She is very pretty.

  2. We had a pinewood derby like that in our singles ward and uncle dave helped me make a really fast superman car. Sean's car won but mine was pretty fast. Pinewood derby's are so much fun. I love the bathtub car too. Way cute! Oh, and welcome to the blogging world.
